Who We Are
This blog represents one family’s desire to purposefully depend more on the land and the tools God gave us. We have been homesteading about 3 years now… practically in the infant stages of the process! My desire is for our family to one day be completely off-grid and self-sustaining. We are also holistic in how we approach health, turning first to age-old wisdom for guidance.

There are seven of us all together, me, my amazingly smart and handy husband, and five kids ranging in age from 10-18.
You can expect to see a lot of recipes here, as I am a baker by nature. I have written other blogs with a more “sweet” theme, but I am beyond excited to share why our family actually eats. Real food. Real ingredients. Less sugar and less decoration. (I am the author and creator of iambaker.net which indulges my desire to decorate everything in massive amounts of buttercream!)
We believe that Jesus is our one true King and we believe in the Bible as the definitive source of God’s word and will for our lives. We have homeschooled in the past (and honestly, that is still where my heart longs for the kids to be. Maybe someday we will resume…) but currently have the kids enrolled in a very small Bible-focused school. The spring/summer/fall is when we blossom as the outdoors becomes where we spend our time. Minnesota can get pretty cold in the winter!
The coop, our third now as we seem to keep adding to our brood!, is where the chickens and guinea hens live. They have that generous space for their wintertime home and are allowed to free-range on our 15 acres when it is above 30°F.
One day we may add bee’s and goats and maybe even a pig to the family. For now, it has been interesting in learning all we can about the best ways to raise chickens. We love our fellow chicken owners and are so grateful for the wisdom and support you so readily offer! Our success as chicken owners is based on the outstanding community you have created.
As our family finds our way through the trials of caring for this beautiful land, we feel lucky to be able to share those experiences with you.
Working Together
I would love to work with brands that appreciate from-scratch, homemade, and country living. If you think that iamhomesteader is a good fit for your company or brand, please feel free to reach out. You can email me at amanda@iambaker.net.