You are only a few ingredients away from fresh, made-from-scratch egg noodles! Made completely with your hands, rolling pin, and a knife, a fresh batch of homemade egg noodles can be prepared under 15 minutes and without any special equipment. I share another version of Homemade Egg Noodles on my other blog, iambaker.

Homemade Egg Noodles
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Homemade Egg Noodles

This is your basic old-fashioned recipe for homemade egg noodles, just like grandma used to make. Consider trying this egg noodle recipe next time you prepare your favorite soup or stew. These noodles will be a delicious addition to either the Chicken Noodle Soup or Turkey Noodle Soup! Don’t forget that fresh pasta will cook much quicker than store bought dried pasta!

You may use a dough hook attachment on your electric mixer to make homemade noodles, but there is something so very charming about using your hands. Plus it’s easy!

How to Knead and Roll the Dough

Striking the right level of gluten is key to the perfect fresh pasta! If you are kneading with your hands, you should be doing it rather vigorously for 10-15 minutes: it is definitely a workout. Maybe preparing your body for all of the fresh pasta you are about to eat?!  The kneading process is simple.  You just press the heel of your hand into the ball of dough and push forward. Rotate the ball and repeat. Keep going until the ball no longer looks powdery. On the flip side, if your dough feels wet or sticky, you will need to add more flour.  Just a small amount at a time.  Once you finish kneading, roll the dough to the desired thickness and cut into your desired width.   We usually aim for the thinnest pasta as possible.  Collect any leftover scraps and re-roll and cut until all the dough has been used.

If you don’t want to use your noodles yet, you can let dry for a couple hours then package them in an airtight container and store in a cool place for up to a week. To cook, drop homemade noodles into boiling water and boil until fully cooked, about 2 to 4 minutes, depending on how thick your noodles are. Always test first and adjust the time as necessary.

How to Make Homemade Egg Noodles

Homemade Egg Noodle Recipe

Once you realize just how easy it is to make your own fresh pasta, you might just never go back.  If you have chickens at home, this is a great way to use up some of those eggs you have in abundance too!  Fresh eggs make fresh pasta that much better!

More Pasta Dishes

4.89 from 59 votes

Homemade Egg Noodles

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
You are only a few ingredients away from fresh, made-from-scratch egg noodles! Made completely with your hands, rolling pin, and a knife, a fresh batch of homemade egg noodles can be prepared under 15 minutes and without any special equipment.


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons kosher salt
  • 3 large egg yolks
  • 1 large egg
  • ¼ cup water


  • Mix together the flour and salt with clean fingers on the work surface. Create a well and add the yolks and egg. Continuing with your fingers, work the egg into the dough.
  • Add the water 1 teaspoon at a time and work the dough until it holds together. Continue kneading the dough for about 10 minutes. Roll the dough to the desired thickness and cut it into your desired width. Collect any leftover scraps and re-roll and cut until all the dough has been used.
  • To cook, drop noodles into boiling water and boil until fully cooked, about 2 to 4 minutes, depending on how thick your noodles are. Always test first and adjust the time as necessary.

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Photography by The PKP Way.

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Reader Comments

  1. This how I make them but instead of water to boil them in I use Chicken broth ! Oh so yummy! A request at Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner from my family!

  2. Have been making them this way for years as my mother taught me and her mother taught her and her mother before her. I’ve always dropped them, after drying, into boiling chicken, turkey (with the giblets) or beef stock, but I’m not inclined to attack anyone who does otherwise. There’s a lot to be said for simple hot buttered noodles. Always 3 egg yolks and one whole egg, which, yes, makes 4 yolks. I’m hoping those of you who found a need to provoke, trumpet your recipe changes as the be-all-end-all or just be mean-spirited find purpose in your life.

  3. 4 stars
    My grandma made the best, then Mom, now I try. We use the eggs, flour, baking powder; always the chicken broth, beef broth, or LOVED Grandma’s fantastic deer (lived in Wyoming). Depending on my mood (I’m the grandma now!) i add creme of chicken soup, creme of mushroom, i make them fat and thick, don’t really “DRY” them ; used to but learned not necessary , altho do let them “rest” as you say; have never thought of putting them ON anything (like potatoes, rice) just noodles, meat & broth with a salad. I make the broth creamy & medium thick.

  4. 5 stars
    This will be my first shot at homemade chicken and noodles. I usually use frozen noodles but I want to try this recipe!! Wish me luck!! Lol. 😉

    1. Just like my grandmother, mom and I helped mom make these noodles. Water seems, to me, to take the flavor out of my noodles but broth helps with more flavor. We would dry them after cut, place on a cookie sheet and freeze them. When frozen, we would transfer to baggies, put in freezer until the next day to cook. Helped with saving time. We made these for Thanksgiving and Christmas, so there was lots of cooking on those days.

  5. Family recipe handed down from my granny, my mom, me and my daughters. Same ingredients minus the water. Great favorite family recipe

  6. Hi Amanda,
    I love your recipes. I thank you so much for sharing. I would love to learn how to make homemade noodles. What kind of flour would I use please. Thank you, 😊 Maria

  7. When my kiddos were little I traced there hands and we cut the dough in the shape of there hands and they loved eating there own “hands” great memories!

    1. Thats one of the sweetest things Ive read. Those were always the memories I cherished, when we did things like that. I never had the “noodle hand” though. Very clever.

      1. Hello everyone I was wondering If I want to use my kitchen aide with the dough hook how long would I mix it for?

      1. All purpose flour. I’ve even exchanged some (maybe up to 25%) for whole wheat flour. Makes a little heavier, but still better than bought.

  8. I hang them on hangers over nite to dry them. Like them better this way they are not soggy then!!

  9. What do you mean wasting good noodles by boiling them in water. Didn’t your mom teach you anything. Good old rich chicken broth or boiling beef broth. Yuck, water.

    1. Unkind comment, could have been phrased differently, everyone cooks in their own way…😊 that’s the joy of it…

    2. I agree in cooking them in broth. ‘We add chicken back in to the noodles and eat over mashed potatoes ! Oh, my….so good !

      1. This is how our family has been making them for generations and eating them over mashed potatoes! So many people think it is weird until they taste it, chicken and noodles (or beef and noodles) over potatoes becomes a new favorite! Nothing says co Fort food more!😋😋😋

      2. You are the first person I’ve heard of besides us that puts them over mashed potatoes! It is absolutely the best!!!

      3. We do that too! Sometimes we serve frozen (cooked) corn on the side, and it’s excellent on top of the chicken and noodles too! Try it sometime!

      4. 5 stars
        We do too, yum! My mom also made excellent home made noodles for chicken soup, which was thickened by the flour on the noodles and served over real mashed potatoes. She just passed away at 94 years of age. I’m so glad to hear that others enjoyed chicken and noodles, with mashed potatoes.
        Good Lord, the folks squabbling about eggs/yolks! 😂🤪

      5. I’ll have to try your recipe it sounds delicious I started using boxed chicken or turkey broth to cook my noodles during the holidays My family like them even more now. With your recipe and my broth how can I lose. Thank you

    3. Judy not everyone has a mom that cares enough to keep their children let a lone teach them my mom was a sry drunk so didn’t your mom teach you anything was rude, mean, and uncalled for you need to go on the home made noodle sight and say I’m sry and mean it. You must of had a great mom so if she is still here on earth give her lots of hugs and kisses tell her thank you and spend all the time you can with her one day she will be gone and then it’s too late if she is gone I’m sry for your loss

      1. Amen, thank you!! Didn’t realize trying to find a good noodle recipe would turn into such a hateful thing……. some women are just MEAN!!!!

    4. I had to reply to your rude comment. No, my mother did not teach me anything. She died before I was 3 and my DAd taught me to make home made bread and cakes before I was 10. He never made noodles , but he taught me many other things. So maybe being considerate was something you should have learned from your mom!

    1. I also use milk. I have been making that way for 50 years; my grandmother’s recipe. I lay them out flat and let dry overnight and drop them into chicken broth. From a real chicken, not canned stuff. You can also use beef broth. Yummy!

      1. Donna I would love your Grandmothers recipe, I have been searching for years for one made by someones Grandmother, both of my Grandmothers died when I was young and no one knows where the recipes went but I remember their chicken and noodles and they were the very best and I an 56 and would love to have that experience again. It sounds like your Grandmothers recipe is everything from scratch. Please email me

  10. Exchange the water for some cream (or evaporated milk). add a couple (2) tablespoons of the fat from the boiled chicken. On lightly floured board, roll thin, then sprinkle a bit more flour on, let dry some, then from long edge, roll up, then slice into thickness you like for noodles. ( I like them very thin). shake out and let air dry some before dropping into the boiling chicken stock. This was how my grandma and mother taught me. My daughter now makes a delicious chicken and noodle dish.

      1. My mom made great pies growing up. Whenever she made lemon meringue pie I knew it was homemade noodle time. She used the whites for the meringue and the yolk for the noodles. We had a large family so two pies meant 8 egg yolks. I would help her from a very early age. We didn’t use measurements. Pile enough flour to hold all the yolks and mix together until it made a dough. I was the roller and cut the noodles. We would let them dry out over night. They were always great. Noodles and pie!

      2. When I made noodles I used eggs, flour, baking powder & cream or 1/2 & 1/2. I was old not to use salt so I never used it. Haven’t made them recently but may try it again.

    1. 5 stars
      yes you can I have done both for over 50 years ,when I do dumplings I drop by using a fork and drop by fork fulls into boiling water my family loves them either way only when I do noodles I always roll out the dough and had it laying every where to dry and then just before they were to dry I cut strips and then hand sliced all the noodles,Every one loves my home made noodles or dumplings and chicken soup

      1. My mom always made these! Wonderful medicine during cold/ flu season. I recently had cooking class 101 in my kitchen with my extra special First grand daughter! We boiled chicken, seasoned the broth, added the noodles and YES it was spectacular! Highly recommend this recipe!

  11. I just made a double batch of chicken pot pie filling.. I think I’ll toss it with these noodles instead of making a pie! Bet it is even yummier!

      1. The 4th egg also has a yolk, Janice.. that makes 3 eggs … with the 4th egg as it appears …..”4 egg yolks” Happy. Noodle making.

      2. M mom made noodles from way back ..but never did she seperate egg from the whites it all went in and her noodles here the best..

      3. To the comment above: the separated whites from the first three eggs were used on the meringue Pies!

      4. When my mom made an angel food cake she would also make noodles. Egg whites in the cake and yolks in the noodles.

      5. 3 stars
        Not my favorite egg noodle recipe. I would much rather mix in a bowl. Then turn out on floured surface to knead. Probably won’t make this one again

      6. Yep 3 yolks and 1 whole egg…..That’s 3 eggs with no egg white. 1 with the egg white

      7. lordy ..don’t people read before making a comment. First reply was totally sufficient. Agree with you Nana .. Seriously ??? !!!

      8. 5 stars
        No!!! 3 egg yokes + 1 whole egg = 4 egg yokes.
        Who are you people!!???
        Good golly !!!

      9. They aren’t reading the posts. Just posting. I grew up making noodles and still do. I’m 74.

      10. I’m also having a good laugh. And all seriousness this recipes Is excellent. My noodles turned out perfect Is excellent. My noodles turned out perfect.
        Guess what I used 3 egg yolks and 1 egg. Lol 😂

      11. Please reread the recipe, it says 3 egg yolks (next line), one egg. I take that as 3 egg yolks plus one egg.

      12. Seriously people? Instead of all the comments over the eggs which it’s pretty clear to me on…..what about comments about how delicious these are or other comments about the recipe turnout!

      13. This is ridiculous! If you don’t know how to read a recipe I Suggest in a reading and math class!!!!

      14. I make these all the time but i use anywhere from 6 to 12 whole egg flour salt and chicken broth mix it and i dont dry just put it in the chicken broth making sure ther is enough broth to cover the noodles one stick of real butter make sure the broth is boiling before you put the noodles in it dont stir until the noodles are almost done they will separate on there own there is never any leftovers from Sunday dinner with my kids and grandkids

      15. Which egg 🥚 white should I use, one from the first 3 or the entire 4th egg?
        Asking for a friend

      16. HELLO! 3 egg yolks AND 1 egg —— 3+1=4 LOL this is a Man explaining all this to a woman so I am sure I got it all wrong for some very very Simple Reason LOL

      17. If you read what the ingrediants says you would notice that it says 3 egg yolks and 1 egg so the one egg would be the forth egg that you see.

      18. go with the four because three is not enough in I made dumplings instead of noodles out of mine will see how they cook tomorrow I’m making beef when if you would when you have a recipe for noodle that turns out really good would you post that on my Facebook so I can make them

    1. i make homemade chicken noodles but we make it a thicker dish, not soup. 7 eggs, 1 whole chicken granular dry chicken flavoring to your liking. this is handed down from my husband’s mom, pretty much the consistancy of chili. I havn’t found anyone that didn’t like it. mmm good

    2. I have been making homemade egg noodles since Mom taught me as a child. I am in my 70’s now. They are easy to make. The amount you need varies. For Thanksgiving. I used 10 eggs. ( 1 c. Flour per egg. ). It fed 14 people. Good luck

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